Take the guesswork 
out of parenting
Get your baby's routine!
This will help you to establish an age-appropriate flexible routine, leading to more predictability in your day and a thriving baby who sleeps well.
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Sign up and you will receive a routine suited to your baby's age
Each stage of babyhood brings different challenges – colic and crying, night wakings, when to introduce solids, getting predictability in your day… the list goes on. Almost all of these challenges can be managed with an appropriate daily routine: 

If a newborn sleeps at appropriate intervals in the day they are significantly less likely to be fussy in the evening
Appropriate amounts of day sleep in the day and number of day feeds can impact night wakings
Knowing when and how to introduce solids can mean the difference between a picky eater and a happy well-nourished child. 
Look out for the Parent Sense App,
which creates a bespoke routine daily as
well as weekly principles to ensure your baby thrives and you can parent with confidence.
Meg Faure has created flexible 
routines for your baby.